Queens for a Cure

Queens for a cure was founded in 2009 by Victoria Knight and Kennedy Miller. Recently, a pageant friends mother had passed away from breast cancer and Kennedy and Victoria began discussing the impact of breast cancer on their families and loved ones. In 1995 Kennedy's cousin Kimberly died from breast cancer at the young age of 26 and was survived by her two daughters ages 1 and 4 years. Inspired by the love of their own mothers, together they wondered if they could do something to help prevent more daughters from loosing their mothers. It is from this that Queens for a Cure was formed.

Kennedy and Victoria not only wanted to raise money to donate to breast cancer research, but they also wanted to inspire their friends to do the same. Queens for A Cure raises money by holding the pageant event and donating proceeds to breast cancer research and in addition, the Supreme titles encourage participants to go out into their communities and raise additional donations. Kennedy and Victoria also wanted the winners of Queens for a Cure to have an opportunity to participate in events within their community and so they decided to donate their proceeds through the Race for the Cure. At the race all Queens for a Cure participants will have the opportunity to proudly display their banners and crowns in recognition of their fundraising efforts.


Kennedy and Victoria

Kennedy and Victoria's families met in early 2004 at a local pageant when Kennedy was just 4 years old and Victoria was 12. They quickly became friends and over the years their friendship has grown as they have inspired each other to be the best they can be. They share a love for singing, the performing arts and pageants and have participated in numerous events together over the years. Most recently Victoria was crowned the 2008 Miss Washington's Outstanding Teen and Kennedy had the opportunity to travel to Florida with Victoria as her Pinecone Princess and support her at the Miss America's Outstanding Teen competition.

Together with their mothers Heidi and Nicole and their grandmothers Virgie and Carol, Victoria and Kennedy welcome you to the first Annual Queens for a Cure pageant!

Queens For A Cure
November 3, 2012

Green River Community College

Hostesses: Kennedy Miller & Victoria Knight
Directors: Heidi Krajewski, Nicole Miller,
Virgie Flascher and Carol Roberts

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