Register ONLINE!
Are you planning to attend the third Annual Queens for a Cure pageant? If so we want to hear from you!
Please click here to register for the November 3, 2012 event. Please follow up by sending in
your registration form and entry fee. Please click on the link below to download your paperwork.

Click HERE to download paperwork

Click HERE to download the pledge form

Click HERE to register a Survivor

Queens For A Cure Events

*QUEENS FOR A CURE GUIDELINES - Queens for a Cure is a NATURAL pageant. However due to theater lighting, contestants ages 3-11 may wear a minimal amount of makeup and contestants 12+ may wear makeup appropriate for their age. Judges may deduct for excessive and distracting makeup in any division. Attire should be a dress of any length and style (however glitz pageant dresses are not recommended).  VERY Minimal changing area is available so all contestants should arrive almost ready to compete, a quick change of clothes should be all that is required.

*QUEENS FOR A CURE MANDATORY EVENTS - Judged on personal appearance, grooming, poise, personality and stage presence. The Queens for A Cure competition is comprised of the following TWO events: Personal Introduction - The contestant will appear in their party or formal wear attire for their personal introductions immediately proceeding their party or formal wear presentation. At the first X (see diagram below) the contestant will introduce themselves including their name, hometown and something about themselves. Personal Introductions should be approximately 30 seconds. Contestants 0-2 will be introduced by an adult (18+yrs) who will state the babies Name, Hometown and Age only.   Party wear / Formal Wear - Immediately following their personal introduction the contestant shall model their party or formal wear using the remaining 3 X's on the stage as a guide. The contestant will have approximately 60 seconds to complete their modeling presentation and should use a combination of step step turns, step backs and circle turns. Contestants 0-2 must be accompanied by an adult (18+ yrs) on stage at all times and the adult will use the remaining 3 X's on the stage to present the baby. The baby may walk or be carried depending on age and ability.


Personal Introduction --->  X -->                             X                                     X --> Exit




QUEENS FOR A CURE OPTIONALS – Optional events are NOT required. Optionals will be scored by a separate panel of judges from the mandatory event judges. Optional events include: best dress, best model, prettiest hair, prettiest eyes, best smile, best introduction.

*Age as of the day of the pageant.
Baby (0-2 years)             Princess (3-5 years)       
Jr PreTeen (6-8 years)   PreTeen (9-11 years)     
Jr Teen (12-14 years)     Teen (15-17 years)          
Miss (18-26 years )        Ms. (27-40 years)



(Competition times subject to change)

10:30-11:30 - Baby, Princess, Jr PreTeen and PreTeen Registration

11:00 - 11:45 Stage Open for Practice ALL Divisions

11:30-12:30 - Jr Teen, Teen and Miss Registration

1:00 -1:45 - Baby, Princess, Jr PreTeen and PreTeen Competition

2:00 - 2:45 - Jr Teen, Teen, Miss and Ms Competition

3:00 - Crowning Ceremony for all Age Divisions

All winners are required to stay for Official Winners Photos immediately following the pageant.All winners are required to stay for Official Winners Photos immediately following the pageant.

Queens For A Cure Awards

The overall winner will be determined by the highest collective score in Personal Introduction and Party Wear / Formal Wear.  ONE OVERALL WINNER in each age division will receive: Official Queens for a Cure ROUND CROWN, banner, T-shirt and will lead the 2013 Queens for a Cure team at the 2013 Race for the Cure event in Seattle Washington .  1st-4th runners up will be recognized and all participants will receive a medal in honor of their efforts in the battle against breast cancer.

One winner in each age division in each of the following events will receive a medal: best dress, best model, prettiest hair, prettiest eyes, best smile and best introduction.

ALL contestants who submit a photo will have their highest scoring photo in each category printed in the program book. The contestant in each category with the HIGHEST score out of all entries will receive a round crown and satin embroidered banner. *This award may double crown.

Take your participation to the next level and compete for the highest honor of our event! The SUPREME QUEEN title will be awarded to the contestant who has the highest combined score based on donations, referrals, personal introduction and party/formal wear. Contestants will receive 1points for each dollar raised, 5 points for each contestant that enters the pageant placing your name on the referral line and a maximum of 35 points each for personal introduction and party/formal wear. The first runner up to the Supreme Queen will be awarded the SUPREME PRINCESS title and the second runner up will be awarded the SUPREME SWEETHEART title. Using the Donation Form, contestants can raise money by asking family, friends, coworkers etc. A minimum of $100 in donations is required to qualify for the Supreme Queen competition. The SUPREME QUEEN, PRINCESS AND SWEETHEART will receive: Official Queens For A Cure ROUND CROWN, banner, T-shirt and will lead the 2013 Queens for a Cure team at the 2013 Race for the Cure event in Seattle Washington.  ALL CONTESTANTS who raise a minimum of $100 in donations will receive a tiara and be recognized as a princess during our special presentation. All contestants who raise a minimum of $500 in donations will receive a round crown and will be recognized as a royal princess during our special presentation. ALL donations for the Supreme Queen competition must be received by October 27, 2012. REMEMBER! OCTOBER IS BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH! TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! *Note: Entry and optional fees are not considered supreme competition donations. Entry and Optional fees will not count towards the Supreme title nor will they be considered towards meeting the $100 minimum for the free Tiara. Supreme competition donations are collected in addition to and separate from the entry fees.


Queens For A Cure
November 3, 2012

Green River Community College

Hostesses: Kennedy Miller & Victoria Knight
Directors: Heidi Krajewski, Nicole Miller,
Virgie Flascher and Carol Roberts

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