The Susan G Komen Seattle Race for the cure will be June 3, 2012.

All 2011-2012 Queens for a Cure Royalty members and contestants are invited to join our team at the Race for the Cure. Royalty includes our Supremes, Queens and Princesses! To join the team visit and join team "Queens for a Cure".
We hope you are planning to join us!

Parents! If your royalty member is under the age of 18,
you must be present at the race with them. Why not join our team! Visit:

Follow the links to the Race for the Cure, Register and Join our Team - Queens for a Cure!

Queens For A Cure
November 3, 2012

Green River Community College

Hostesses: Kennedy Miller & Victoria Knight
Directors: Heidi Krajewski, Nicole Miller,
Virgie Flascher and Carol Roberts

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